Handmade Chandeliers

wrought iron pendants

Wrought Iron Pendant CH065

iron lighting pendants

Wrought Iron Pendant CH066

handmade iron pendant

Handmade Iron Pendant CH067

iron chandeliers

Wrought Iron Chandelier CH068

sphere pendant

Contemporary Sphere Pendant CH069N2

iron and mesh chandelier

Iron Chandelier CH070

contemporary chandelier

Contemporary Iron Chandelier CH071

contemporary lighting

Contemporary Chandelier CH072

Pool Table Light

Pool Table | Island Pendant CH073N

Iron Pendants

Iron Pendant CH074N


Mediterranean Pendant CH075N

two tier iron chandelier

Two Tier Iron Chandelier CH076

Transitional Iron Chandelier

Italian Dining Room Chandelier CH077

Iron Ring Chandelier

Iron Ring Chandelier CH078

Iron Chandelier

Iron Chandelier CH079

iron and glass chandelier

Iron and Glass Chandelier CH080